Intrepid Tales on Insulin

Type 1 life adventures

Iron Woman Food

Seven hours of hospital time today waiting for the iron to drip feed into my blood.  At least it was a speedier pace than the Pitch Drop Experiment, which I read about after the death last week of the Professor who monitored dripping tar from a glass funnel for almost 50 years of his working life.

Not even 10 drops in over 8 decades! Apparently it’s acclaimed by the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the longest running experiments in the world.  And no one has actually seen one of those drops fall.

Now that’s patience.  And perseverance.  I’m not familiar with the science, but for me this experiment places incremental change in the context of bigger picture understanding and developments.


I can relate to that.  Sometimes the day-to-day pace of change or life progress can feel too slow or impeded by obstacles.  But if I reflect on the totality, such as the difference between where I am now compared with where I was five years ago, then major shifts are recognisable.

I’m sure this (possibly mad) idea to hike all states and territories is going to present challenges and at times I might feel that it is not proceeding as I’d hoped, or the going will get a bit tough.  The Pitch Drop Experiment can be a useful something to call to mind for motivation. Slowly but surely.  It will be bubbling away constantly even if at times it feels like nothing is moving.cannula

With this dose of iron my energy levels will improve over coming weeks so there will be physical movement.  No more excuse to decline my friend Anne’s plea of “Are you coming to the boxing class tonight?” The intensity of activity can increase and planning for the hike adventures can really get underway.  The arrival of spring in a couple of days is a bonus.

I’m going to kick off with a Sundays in September Series of local-ish walks.  They’ll probably range from a few hours to all day rambles. Nothing hard core or madly off trail.  Not yet. Just enough to get me into the swing of regular walking and to inspire the ideas and logistics for the bigger trips to come over the next 16 months.  Looks like Mt Macedon might be the inaugural event this coming weekend.


This entry was posted on 28/08/2013 by and tagged , , , , , , , .